April 4, 2007

UnitedHealthcare puts more NC clients at disadvantage

UnitedHealth care again makes it harder for thousands of North Carolina clients to get to doctors so it can improve its profit margin. As many as 100,000 clients of UnitedHealthcare will no longer be able to use doctors at Wake Radiology in addition to losing access to WakeMed hospitals.

UHC recently broke off negotiations with WakeMed in a dispute over how much would be paid for medical charges leaving clients struggling to find other resources for hospital services. The insurance company claims WakeMed charges too much and refused to agree to new contract terms. Now the carrier is dropping more problems on its clients while again claiming Wake Radiology also charges too much.

Unfortunately all this big business squabbling leaves customers struggling, many with no alternatives, while UHC goes on its merry way. A news report in the News and Observer gives more details on what the insurer is doing...
News and Observer
April 4, 2007
Anne Krishnan, Staff Writer

Insurer to end another contract
United will drop Wake Radiology

UnitedHealthcare has split with another large Wake County health-care provider, a move the insurer says will allow it to lower premiums for local employers and workers.

United plans to terminate its contract with Wake Radiology May 1. But even as that change threatens to disrupt care for thousands of local patients, officials with the insurer have re-opened negotiations with WakeMed, which United terminated March 1 amid a dispute over rates. Read more...

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