April 18, 2007

Going against the trend to reduce health coverage

This is what benefits should be like...

One of the most stressful issues with employees and retirees alike these days is the trend for American companies to reduce benefits and move away from making employees feel like they are part of the business.

Many companies have already eliminated company paid health insurance or forced employees (and retirees) to pick up much of the cost of health programs. This trend has left a large part of our population with no health coverage and many are left to do without or use most of their savings for high medical fees when services are needed.

Read what one North Carolina company is doing to help it's employees and make sure they have needed coverage....
News and Observer
April 18, 2007
Anne Krishnan, Staff Writer

Insurer's workers get rare perks
Paying lower-paid employees' health-care premiums is good for business, Redwoods says

Executives at The Redwoods Group always thought that the Morrisville insurance company's compensation and benefits were fairly generous.

The company paid 80 percent of health insurance premiums for employees and their families. A couple of years ago, it raised its minimum salary to $25,000 a year.

Then last month, CEO Kevin Trapani learned that children in three of his employees' families were on Medicaid. Read more...

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