This is a rare and perhaps the last opportunity for Raleigh to save a large tract of land near the heart of downtown. For this to become a reality the Governor would need to encourage the Legislature to approve the plan during the 2007 session and allow the land to be sold to the city.
Your support and encouragement could make the difference in getting this approved so the land won't be lost to development interests. Contact your state representatives and let them and the Governor know you want this to be approved. Go to the Member Lookup section of the Legislative website to find your representative and let them know you want the site preserved under this plan or contact the Governor's office.
News and Observer
june 14, 2007
David Bracken, Staff Writer
City offers $10.5 million for Dix
RALEIGH - The city of Raleigh is offering $10.5 million to purchase the Dorothea Dix Hospital campus from the state, Raleigh Mayor Charles Meeker said today.Meeker said the city wants the property to be appraised as parkland to determine its worth. He estimated the 306-acre site, which overlooks the central business district, is worth $10.5 million as parkland.
State legislators would have to approve the sale of the campus and 150-year-old state psychiatric hospital, which is scheduled to close by late November.
Meeker said the city is asking the state to sell all the Dix property for use as a destination park. The city also wants the historic buildings on the site to be restored and used only in ways that are compatible with an urban park.
The state Department of Health and Human Services would be able to keep existing office employees on the site for three to five years without paying rent, under the city's proposal.
Joining Meeker at today's press conference were representatives of three advocacy groups: Friends of Dorothea Dix Park, Dix Visionaries and Dix 306, who hope to form a public-private partnership to develop the park.
Gregory Poole Jr., president of Dix Visionaries, said his group plans to raise more than $7 million from private donors to go toward the development of the park.
The group also announced that its members are sending a letter to Gov. Michael Easley to ask him to encourage the General Assembly to approve the sale of the property during this session.
They also are seeking Easley's assistance in creating a land conservancy to help plan and develop the park.
Staff writer David Bracken can be reached at (919) 829-4548 or Read the original article...
Sham on Raleigh Mayor Meeker, Bill Poole, 306 and Dix Friends for ignoring the Wake County Botanical Garden Societies proposed World Class Dix Botanical Garden. The proposed Dix Botanical Garden has consistent broad, strong support from Raleigh and North Carolina citizens. For the Dorothea Dix Hospital Property to serve all the citizens of North Carolina and Raleigh for the future, it is a mistake to ignor one of the most sought after public projects for that site. Strong public support comes from supporting what the public is requesting. To ignor the Wake County Botanical Garden Society and the publics request for a Botanical Garden at Dix is a serious mistake.
It would be an outstanding attraction if there could be a botanical garden on the Dix property as well as other activities for the public. There is no reason a botanical garden could not be part of the plan if they are successful in getting the land as proposed. There is room for lots of exciting things to be done in a coordinated plan.
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