February 18, 2007

Not in English? Not in our county...

Have you been following the debate over adopting two languages of choice because of the rapid influx of immigrants? Here's an interesting development in Beaufort, NC, about the Beaufort county commisioners ordering removal of non-English signs and informational material from area county offices and property to keep english as the language of choice in that area.

It will be a cold day in the triangle area when this happens here since there are so many non-english speaking residents moving into the central part of the state.

Here's an exerpt from the news article...
News and Observer - February 18, 2007
Jerry Allegood, Staff Writer

WASHINGTON, N.C. - In what supporters call a move against bilingualism, the Beaufort County Commissioners have ordered the removal of non-English signs and informational material from offices and property under county jurisdiction.

The English-only policy, approved by a 6 to 1 vote, does not apply to programs mandated by the state and federal governments, including health and social services. But supporters said it would indicate local resolve to stop the weakening of English as a result of legal and illegal immigration.

"I'm concerned about the drift toward the nation becoming bilingual," said Hood L. Richardson, a commissioner who proposed the local measure. "We need to stop that." Read more...

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